[Sussex] Ubuntu used in the fight against AIDS

Geoffrey Teale tealeg at member.fsf.org
Sat Mar 17 14:40:40 UTC 2007

On Sat, 2007-03-17 at 08:09 +0000, Stephen Williams wrote:
> OK Geoff, our curiosities are piqued now - what are your salary levels?

Well, I couldn't tell you across the organisation as a whole, nor can I
give you specific examples (for obvious reasons).  

The range I usually quote is 20-35k p/a, but the top end doesn't really
have defined limit, although obviously we have a budget to consider.  In
practice we make very few offers to people above around the 35k mark
because the expectation of people in that salary bracket are so often
based on experience and skills that aren't relevant to what we're trying
to achieve.   

Of course starting salaries are not very reflective of what people
actually earn - within the technology team we tend to be cautious about
salary to begin with and raise it quickly for those who demonstrate
their value - this reflects the reality that it's really very difficult
to get a true picture of someones value to the company during an
interview process.    

> Well, they do say HR stands for Hopeless Recruiting.


A nice line, but I counter, recruiting is hard.  I'd go so far as to say
it's both the most difficult and the most important part of my job.
Cmed's HR staff have always been helpful and extremely competent IMHO.

Geoffrey Teale <tealeg at member.fsf.org>
Free Software Foundation

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