[Sussex] IPTables - is this possible?

Steve Dobbo Dobson steve at dobson.org
Wed Mar 21 21:45:39 UTC 2007


On Wed, Mar 21, 2007 at 07:15:04PM +0000, Matthew Macdonald-Wallace wrote:
> - All traffic for a given web address hits a given port.
> - IPTables examines the data and then forwards it to a different port  
> depending on the packet type.
> As an example:
> All traffic is routed from a given client to a specified firewall via  
> a local proxy.

Why configure the client to talk via a proxy?  If you install the firewall
in the comms path of the client then it can filter packets based on
source and type - no need for the proxy to re-direct.

> The firewall will only accept connections on port 443 (secure HTTP).
> The traffic being sent varies between https and ssh - https is  
> redirected to an internal webserver running mod_ssl, ssh is redirected  
> to a different shell server running ssh (surprisingly!).

Standard firewall fair this.  DNAT & SNAT are easily configured.

> Can anyone advise if this is possible?

Sounds it to me on the limited information given.

                              Steve "Dobbo" Dobson
                                steve at dobson.org
                               SussexLUG Master
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