[Sussex] After you all left.....

Richie Jarvis richie at helkit.com
Thu Mar 29 22:50:26 UTC 2007

Nik had a wonderful idea, and i've been thinking about it on the way home.

His idea: To hold the podcast recording sessions over SIP to an Asterisk 
server.  That way, as many folk as want to can join in (bandwidth 
permitting), and everyone can spend as little or as much time as they 
want on it.  Oh, and we all dont have to look at Nik's mug all day! :)

Personally, I think its a flier Nik - and would be happy to give it a 
go.  I dont think my network is the best place to host the Asterisk 
server though, due to the dodgy nature of village internet connections 
where I live (well, mine anyway!)


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