[Sussex] New members at moots

Steve Dobbo Dobson steve at dobson.org
Fri Mar 30 15:19:38 UTC 2007


On Fri, Mar 30, 2007 at 08:20:49AM -0600, linux at oneandoneis2.org wrote:
> Quoting Steve Dobbo Dobson <steve at dobson.org>:
> >>I don't know the names of some of the people that go, or know there
> >>names but can't be a face to the name.
> >
> >I have to admit that I don't either.  And Nik admitted to as much himself
> >last night in his talk.
> Maybe some name badges could be arranged? :o)

There are two reasons why the list is generated.  One is to remind
everyone, the other is to provide me with a list I can forward on to

If someone that can produce name badges wants to use that list to 
do so that's find by me.  The database that drives it even has sign
up information.  I am too lazy to enter my name each week so I added a
the sign up buttons so I would only have to click each month

But when I designed the database I added "created" and "signedup"
fields so the following query gives a list of people who probably
need badges:
  mysql> select name from attendees where created = signedup and attend = 'Y';
  | name             |
  | Gareth Ablett    |
  | Andrew Guard     |
  | Richard Holloway |
  3 rows in set (0.01 sec)

If we needed to fund the badges we could charge £1 to anyone that forgot
to bring their badge from last month.  Writing the script to take the 
list of attendees and produce a PDF for badges would be a piece of piss.

> I must say, I only know a bare handful of names myself, but then I  
> forgot that yesterday was Thursday until gone nine o'clock (hence my  
> lack of attendance) so I hadn't wanted to say anything :o)

Well the reminder when out at 15:00 with the date on it.  So if you don't
ready the headers of your e-mails until 21:00 that's not my fault. :-)

                              Steve "Dobbo" Dobson
                                steve at dobson.org
                               SussexLUG Master
BOFH excuse #417:

Computer room being moved.  Our systems are down for the weekend.
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