[Sussex] Thoughts On Contrubuting to the Community

Andy Smith andy at lug.org.uk
Fri Mar 30 16:59:19 UTC 2007

On Fri, Mar 30, 2007 at 03:57:28PM +0100, Steve Dobbo Dobson wrote:
> I've just checked:  there are 194 e-mail addresses signed up to this
> list.


> So here is your homework from me.  You MUST reply to this email saying
> how you contribute, how you pay your dues, for using Linux.  There are 
> no exceptions, no excuses, and a reasonable time limit.  You can take
> until the next moot to answer.  Because I'm sure we'll want to talk more
> about it then.  But answer you should.  That's my EULA on this posting
> and all my future posting too:  To make use of the knowledge that I
> impart you must be a contributer too.

I think I could write a fair amount here but I'm not going to
because I don't agree with the basic method in what you are trying
to achieve.  IMHO no one needs to justify their presence on this

Also it is the nature of any community that a few people do the
majority of the community work; the only way that you will increase
participation is by increasing the membership but I believe you will
always have a similar ratio of posters to lurkers.

Lurking is not inherently wrong.


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