[Sussex] Thoughts On Contrubuting to the Community

Jacqui caren jacqui.caren at ntlworld.com
Sat Mar 31 08:11:13 UTC 2007

Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
> Ahh, looking for that second date, eh? You shoulda gone for chocolate on 
> the first data. Chocolate is always good, even for diabetics, who 
> appreciate a bite of really good chocolate even more than those who can 
> eat it more often.

I love the date analogy - it makes the point beautifully.

FYI:  One reason I stopped supporting firebird was the "my **ick is 
bigger than yours" attitude[0] prevalent there. Looks like it is
starting here - which is just the sort of thing that puts "newbies"
off - not the intended effect...

Every time I have unsubed it has because a project/list has been ran by 
"bigger than yours" jobsworth. I believe that you are not like this all 
the time which is why I am still 'lurking' here.

IMHO If you cannot accept that fact that most mailing lists are made up
of at least 50% lurkers then you really need to get out more :-)

In other lugs I explain that end-user feedback is important *especially*
if you are a complete newbie and have no computer experience.
But I only ever do this face to face and after I have helped someone
with a problem.

I have met people from all walks of life and views at lugs.
On list and face to face we have to agree to disagree. My experience, 
attitude to life and beliefs will not match yours. if we learn
something from each other that is the best we can hope for.


"Make friends and influence people"
"There is no such thing as force"

[0] Jim did have the grace to apologise for his rather personal comments
in response to my question but only after I had left his lists :-(

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