[Sussex] What happends when RIAA go to court

Geoff Teale gteale at cmedresearch.com
Thu May 10 13:01:30 UTC 2007

Andrew Guard wrote:
> So far there is not one court case RIAA have won in court due to P2P 
> activity.

That may be true, but the MPIAA worked with MGM did successfully taken 
on Grokster in 2005.  In this case  Debbi Foster has been found, in 
court, to not have committed the acts that Capitol accused her of.   
This is entirely unrepresentative of what would happen if it had been 
established that the plaintiffs claim was valid.   

Whilst it's nice to see the record industry get a bloody nose as the 
result of it's own stupidity, nobody should see this as a license to 
share copyright material which they do not have license to redistribute.   

> Well they (RIAA/Capitol) lossed a court case and were told by Judge 
> Lee R West to pay the costs of $55,000. Capitol object these cost for 
> being to high (intersting that they think this is high) So the jugde 
> in rectified the obvious underpayment to Debbi Foster legal team to 
> $114,000.
The "doubling of the fee" has only come about because Debbi Foster 
accrued additional costs fighting the claims for reduction in costs.   
Clearly the judge was more than happy to hit Capitol here because he 
felt they were deliberately trying to cause problems.

Geoff Teale
Director of Technical Development

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