[Sussex] Holbrook - Moot: Wired Networking

Matt Brown matt at mbrown.co.uk
Mon Oct 22 13:49:46 UTC 2007

> Although the concern does make you wonder what you might find on the
> Wireless LAN if you did sniff it... hmm ;)

Depends on what you feel is interesting I suppose...

> This is also a reminder of the "bigger picture"... you should always
> run a firewall on your laptop if you ever connect to a network that's
> not your own, and completely, 100% trusted.

Good advice.

> I've been experimenting (in a personal, not professional) capacity  
> with
> WEP cracking recently, and it's really quite scary just how easy and
> quick it is. I managed to crack 128bit WEP in less than 30 minutes.
> Scary stuff.

Well anyone who knows anything about wireless *should* steer well  
clear of WEP anyhow, shame no one thought to tell BT that before  
rolling out the home hub :-)

Have you managed to break WPA/WPA2 Jon ?


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