[Sussex] Holbrook - Moot: Wired Networking

Richie Jarvis richie at helkit.com
Mon Oct 22 21:17:35 UTC 2007

Steve Dobson wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-10-22 at 16:27 +0100, Richie Jarvis wrote:
>>> On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 15:38:28 +0100 Kenny Millington wrote:
>>>> Personally, I am curious about how you plan on keeping the two
>>>> networks separate once you setup a bridge between the two since (as
>>>> best as I understand it - and this may not say much) once you bridge
>>>> two networks they effectively become one network and as such all
>>>> wireless traffic would pass over the bridge and indeed vice-versa?
>> Yup - that is exactly right Jon - the unit with a wireless connection 
>> will bridge between the wireless and the test network.  However, the 
>> other machines on the test network will have to be NAT'd by the bridged 
>> PC, otherwise the AP would get very confused, and it wouldn't work.
> The test network will be hosted by a four-port 1U-rack mount server I
> have.  Each port is serving up a different sub-net.  We will use one of
> these for testing and snooping so the snooper software will not see the
> traffic on the WiFi network because it will not be directly connected to
> it.  On another of the sub-nets can have Richie's laptop which we will
> configure to act as a NAT router to the WiFi.
> Steve
Sorry for the confusion - i meant Routing, not Bridging :)

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