[Sussex] [hugo at lug.org.uk: [lugmaster] Fwd: [admin] UK Linux User Groups Contact Form]

Steve 'Dobbo' Dobson steve at dobson.org
Mon Sep 17 13:25:52 UTC 2007


This came across the wire from the LUG Masters list and maybe of intrest
to you.


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Name: Rufus Greenbaum
Job: Director
Company: Simpol Ltd
Telephone: 02089546242
Email: rufus at simpol.com
Subject: New RAD tool for Linux coming

We are in the late stage of developing RAD ( Rapid Application Development ) tools for Linux.

When complete, Developers will be able to write once and the resulting program will then run without any changes on Linux, Mac and Windows computers.

We need help.

Can you please ask your lugmasters if anyone is interested, able and willing to help us complete the project faster.

First, please check out the background at: www.simpol.com 

Then contact me at:  rufus at simpol.com

Thank you for your help

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