[Sussex] Lug Moot Day Results

Steve 'Dobbo' Dobson steve at dobson.org
Tue Sep 18 02:46:35 UTC 2007


I now declare the voting on which day the SLUG moot should be held
to be closed [1].  The results are from the last post (Sep 2 20:28)
which can be found at [2] should anyone care to check my logic.

My tally of the votes is such:

  Day		Fore	Against		Balance
  Monday         7	1		 6
  Tuesday	 7	2		 5
  Wednesday	 6	3		 3
  Thursday	10	2		 8
  Friday	 1	9		-8
  Saturday	 1	8		-7
  Sunday	 0	9		-9

I therefore declare Thursday to be the winner -- Sorry John.

I said that I did not plan to change it from the last whatever
of the week and no one complained so I guess the status quo rules.

See you all on the last Thursday of the month.



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