[Sussex] Cloned disk won't boot

Brendan Whelan b_whelan at mistral.co.uk
Fri Sep 28 08:35:32 UTC 2007

Thanks Steve, I will try your suggestion out later. Brendan

Steve 'Dobbo' Dobson wrote:
> Brenban
> On Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 03:30:39PM +0100, Brendan Whelan wrote:
>> I created a mirrored copy of an FC6 system using the embedded program in 
>> a SATA raid controller. The cloned disk boots, switches to GUI mode and 
>> displays the login screen. When I login I get "Your session lasted less 
>> than 10 seconds....session_child_run: Could not exec 
>> /etc/X11/xinit/Xsession default"  "Could not start the session due to 
>> internal error"  The same happens in failsafe mode. As an aside, I got 
>> the same problem when I tried cloning by copying each partition in 
>> turn.  How can I overcome the problem? Thanks, Brendan
> I've seen the same message on non-cloned systems from time to time when I've
> there have been big updates to the graphics system (in Debian testing so I 
> was not surprised).
> I logged in on a console (Ctrl + Alt + F1) and moved all the .gnome* and 
> .ICEauthority files to a safe place.
>     $ mkdir SAFE
>     $ mv .gnome* SAFE
>     $ mv .ICEauthority SAFE
> And then found I could log in okay.  If you're using KDE there will be
> similar files but I don't know what they are.
> What this does is clear out the config they you had and when you login the 
> system then uses defaults and creates a new set of config.  The downside is
> that you need to re-configure your graphics session to your preferences again,
> but at least it will get you in.  Buy moving the old config files to a safe
> place at least you can review what your old config setting where.
> Hope this helps
> Steve
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