[Sussex] Tomorrow's Moot

Steve Dobson steve.dobson at syscall.org.uk
Wed Aug 27 10:51:04 UTC 2008


On Wed, 2008-08-27 at 11:26 +0100, Saber (in another thread) wrote:
> Can anyone tell me where exactly is the venue? and also the time
> of the meeting? I am new....god I hate being n00b.

As you're a newbie I'll let you off with a warning for being a thread
hijacker; but if you do it again your details will be pass on to the
Ministry for SLUGland Security.  :-)

The address for the Holbrook Club is:
	The Holbrook Club
	North Heath Lane
	West Sussex
	RH12 5PJ

For directions you might like to use Google Maps:
The marker is a bit north of the club, but with the satellite view you
can see the tennis courts of the club.

We normally mean in the bar around 19:00hrs.  Food is available and some
of us eat there.  I will be tomorrow because I'm planning to be out all

So names added please if you want to be on the list to get in.


Steve Dobson

I consider the day misspent that I am not either charged with a crime,
or arrested for one.
-- "Ratsy" Tourbillon

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