[Sussex] Remote connection

Gary Burton gary.burton at zen.co.uk
Wed Feb 6 11:10:47 UTC 2008

Hello Brendan,

> around the Internet, tightVNC appears to offer what I need. Has anyone 
> in the group experience of tightVNC or any other recommendations. 

I have used tightVNC in the past, but mainly to support remote PCs running NT 4.0. It was OK but required a good network connection to run at a decent speed.

However, supporting Redhat from Windows, then I guess you have the good old command line, logging in with putty - my preference. File transfers can be done with psftp.

If you need to support GUI applications then take a look at FreeNX (http://freenx.berlios.de/) - a free implementation of NX making use of the free parts of NoMachine's NX server, which I have had success with.



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