[Sussex] Queueing software for ftp server

John Crowhurst info at johnscomputersupport.co.uk
Mon Feb 11 16:55:20 UTC 2008

On Mon, February 11, 2008 10:45, Tim Smith wrote:
> Hi all
> Hopefully a quick question. I was wondering if anyone knew of any open
> source server software for queuing download like Fileplanet.com does.
> We have a downloads server that sees massive spikes in traffic when people
> just can't connect and was hoping there was a way
> to gracefully tell people that the server is busy and then let them know
> how
> long it will be until they can start the download.
> FilePlanet is ActiveX and I would far rather suggest something
> that is not restricted to IE.
> Kind regards
> Tim

Try out Apache::Queue module for mod_perl:

John Crowhurst
John's Computer Support

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