[Sussex] Top Tips for the Moot

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Mon Feb 25 12:42:44 UTC 2008


On Mon, 2008-02-25 at 11:40 +0000, Andrew Guard wrote:
> On 25/02/2008, Steve Dobson <steve at dobson.org> wrote:
> > Hi Mooters
> >
> >  Don't forget that this Thursday is Moot day.
> >
> >  This months, as we didn't have a speaker, I decided that everyone could
> >  give their top few tips on how to have a simple and easy life with
> >  Linux.
> There not many tricks and tips I could really give about a kernel.
> Because that all Linux is just a kernel.
> If it Open Source then that another thing all together. Also there lot
> of Open Source that doesn't need the use of the Linux kernel as well.

<mode="sarcastic" intent="humour">
  Why you coming to a Linux User Group moot?  You are a human, I was
expecting only
  programs like bash, ls, mv, gnome-terminal and the like attending as
they are the
  only things that really use the kernel.

I like the fact that English is a living language and constantly
changing.  I like
the fact that my OED defines google (small 'g') as a verb.  

The very same OED also defines "Linux" as:

   noun [mass noun] Computing (trademark in the US)
	an operating system modelled on Unix, whose
	source code is publicly available.

You are, of course, free to correct the OED on their usage.  However, I
believe one of
their yardsticks is how it is being used by the general population.
While you're at it 
you might like to get them to remove the common usage of words like

Steve Dobson

And the crowd was stilled. One elderly man, wondering at the sudden
turned to the Child and asked him to repeat what he had said. Wide-eyed,
the Child raised his voice and said once again, "Why, the Emperor has no
clothes! He is naked!"
-- "The Emperor's New Clothes"

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