[Sussex] Secure connections

Jon Fautley jfautley at redhat.com
Tue Jan 8 08:05:29 UTC 2008

On Tue, 8 Jan 2008 00:06:59 -0000 (GMT)
"John Crowhurst" <info at johnscomputersupport.co.uk> wrote:

> On Mon, January 7, 2008 21:37, Desmond Armstrong wrote:
> > Now when I send email it works as previously and does accept my
> > normal format so this is sent from my gmail address using Tiscali
> > smtp. Was a glitch in their normal operation so my previous
> > expectations do work again.
> >
> > In the meantime I did try to set up a smtp.googlemail.com server but
> > have been unable to make it work. If anybody knows how to use the
> > smtp.googlemail.com server I would like to know. I followed the
> > instructions on Googlemail precisely but without success.
> ISPs in an attempt to stop spammers have been implementing ways to
> make you use their SMTP services. They also use this as a form of
> control. If you are running a mail server outside of Orange, then set
> it to listen on port 2525 as Orange only block port 25.

Or use port 587, submission, which was designed for EXACTLY this
purpose. and/or run SSL on port 465...

Jon Fautley RHCE, RHCX               email: jfautley at redhat.com
Senior Consultant                    cell :     +44 7841 558683
Global Professional Services
Red Hat UK, 200 Fowler Avenue, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 7JP
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