[Sussex] TTFN!

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Tue Jan 29 08:20:19 UTC 2008

Hi Geoff

On Tue, 2008-01-29 at 01:07 +0000, Geoffrey Teale wrote:
> I've been a stranger to this list for a long time now,

Yes, too long.

> but as I was here from day 1 I thought it appropriate that I tell you
> all that after 10 years in East Grinstead I am finally moving on.
> From the 1st March 2008 I will be a resident of the fair city of
> Munich, Germany.  

Maybe EG isn't the prettiest town in England, but moving all the way to
Munich!  Isn't that taking things a bit far?  :-)

> I do not intend to unsub from the list right now (I follow the
> occasional thread still), and you never know, my new lifestyle might
> afford me more time for participation.  

Hope all goes well for you.  Do keep in contact.


P.S. I can't remember if it was you I first met on that first meet so
many years ago.
Steve Dobson

Anyone who says he can see through women is missing a lot.
-- Groucho Marx

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