[Sussex] TTFN!

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Tue Jan 29 13:51:55 UTC 2008


On Tue, 2008-01-29 at 09:51 +0000, Geoffrey Teale wrote:
> Steve Dobson <steve at dobson.org> writes:
> > On Tue, 2008-01-29 at 01:07 +0000, Geoffrey Teale wrote:
> >> I've been a stranger to this list for a long time now,
> >
> > Yes, too long.
> Indeed.  I've thought recently that there are things I *should* come and
> talk about, but life keeps getting in the way.

> > Maybe EG isn't the prettiest town in England, but moving all the way to
> > Munich!  Isn't that taking things a bit far?  :-)
> Well, ya know how it goes.  My wife and I split up last year and I'm in
> the process of getting divorced.

Sorry to hear about that.  Divorce is not fun, no matter how amicable
the split.

>                                   For the last few months I have been
> seeing a very beautiful and charming German girl and she is moving to
> Munich so I am following.

No better reason than to follow your heart.

>                            Before you ask, yes since her Windows machine
> died a few weeks back she *is* running linux (Fedora 8) and is currently
> in the process of Grokking the GIMP.

Arn't we all.  I've just got myself a DSLR so I'm making much more use
of the GIMP these days.

> > P.S. I can't remember if it was you I first met on that first meet so
> > many years ago.
> It was indeed.  Is that coming on 6 or 7 years ago now?

Don't.  You're making me feel old again. :-)


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