[Sussex] web security glitch!!

Steve Dobson steve.dobson at syscall.org.uk
Wed Jul 9 16:22:08 UTC 2008

Hi Steve

On Wed, 2008-07-09 at 16:49 +0100, Steve Redshaw wrote:
> It is fascinating being part of the SLUG discussions (just to remind
> folk that I am a very green Linux user, trying to wrench myself away
> from Windows) and I am slowly learning more, but there are constantly
> obstacles which I find frustrating and off-putting, mostly in the form
> of Linux jargon and assumed knowledge of computer technology.

But that should be try of any new endeavour, surely.  :-)

> The advantage of Windows, as mentioned in another recent posting, is
> its adaptability to many different computers and hardware attachments,
> you just install it and it works with just about everything.

Does it?  There is a not so small army of Windows IT experts slaving
away behind the scenes to try and cover every eventuality.  I've heard
and seen reports of things working under Linux that did not just plug
and play under Windows.  

> I am not trying to demean Linux, but in my limited experience, it is a
> lot harder creating a computer system with Linux than it is with
> Windows.

As I understand Windows not at all I find the reverse true.  It is one
of my personal bugbears that people claim something is hard just because
they do not understand how approach the task.

Sorry if you feel I'm getting at you Steve, but you see and hear so much
stuff about Windows being easy and Linux being hard that I feel that I
have to comment.  The only person who's opinion I would rate on the
relative difficultly between Linux and Windows is someone how as spent
equal time on both.  So that rules my opinion out on the subject.
> An example of something I don't understand at all!!

Well I see Geoff's already explained all that so I don't need to.


Steve Dobson

* PerlGeek is really a space alien
* Knghtktty believes PerlGeek

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