[Sussex] applet trouble!

FRANK JAMES frank.james4 at btinternet.com
Sun Jul 13 13:55:51 UTC 2008

ubuntu 8 problem, though not critical. I normally use wireless to connect to my router. Yesterday I visited a friend who had a different server, tiscali instead of talk talk which I used. I tried to gey into his wireless link, but alas he didn't know the password and I couldn't find on his router. So after a struggle I succesfully connected by hard wire and did what i wanted and then came home.

I then found a problem in that the applet which normally displays the strength of the wireless connection no longer gave the usual signal, however I was all the same connected and the eth1 gave a good signal strength.

I normally use the applet to check that I am connected well to a router, so it is a bit of a bind to discover that the indication is missing. However as I found out another applet tells me about eth1 and so I have no connection problem, merely something with one of the applets.

Any clues from anyone would be appreciated, I will bting the machine to the next moot to see if anyone can help.

I wonder whether it is hardware or software, but the hardware of the wireless is functioning, so it must be a software link from the wireless device to somewhere else? 

This mail comes from a computer with Ubuntu 8 and it needs no anti virus gear!
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