[Sussex] Video transfer - where to start?

Steve Dobson steve.dobson at syscall.org.uk
Fri Jul 18 08:27:24 UTC 2008

Hi Gavin

On Fri, 2008-07-18 at 00:06 +0100, David Morris wrote:
> Gavin Stevens wrote:
> > We have a few VHS-C camcorder tapes to transfer to DVD. I have received a new VHS-C adapter cassette
>  from Maplins so that these tapes play in a standard VHS player. So far, so good.
> > 
> > Am I right in thinking that I need a video capture card (these presumably have the right holes in
> them to connect to a video player) in order to get the content onto my hard drive in the first instance?
> Does anyone have any recommendations regarding the best capture cards to use with Linux & the best places
> to get them?
> > 
> > Once the old tapes have been transferred onto my hard drive, I then need to be able to create DVDs that
> will play in a standard DVD player & behave in all respects like a normal DVD. Any suggestions as to the
> best software to use for this would be much appreciated.
> > 
> > As you can probably gather from the above, I have absolutely zero experience with respect to working
> with video in Linux (well, not just Linux - anything really). Audio work I do very regularly, but video
> is uncharted territory for me.
> > 
> > TIA for any help,
> I posted on my blog about this last night.  It's actually really easy.
> http://davemorris.wordpress.com/2008/07/16/digitalising-home-movies-on-ubuntu-hardy-with-a-pvr-150/

Dave is correct, it isn't nearly as hard as it use to be for a Hauppauge
capture card.  A few kernel releases back the driver for the Hauppauge
family of cards was declared stable enough and included into the kernel
as standard.  The result is that the driver just load these days.

There is the old firmware load issue so some distro may not ship with
the firmware packaged but it is not difficult to find and download the
latest version and install it.

Are you thinking of building your own Personal Video Recorder (PVR)?  If
so there are a few more things to consider.

Steve Dobson

Don't kid yourself. Little is relevant, and nothing lasts forever.

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