[Sussex] List Policy (Removal of submissions)

Steve Dobson steve.dobson at syscall.org.uk
Sat May 10 16:27:12 UTC 2008

Hi Andy

On Sat, 2008-05-10 at 16:08 +0000, Andy Smith wrote:
> On Fri, May 09, 2008 at 12:26:50PM +0100, Steve Dobson wrote:
> Regardless of what your rules are, you may at some point receive a
> properly formed take down notice which either you or we (lug.org.uk
> admins) will be required to act upon.

I do not expect any policy decisions arrived at here to take precedence
over the law.  But I kinda expect that it would take a court order (or
similar notice) for the admins at lug.org.uk to act in that way.  Or are
you saying that you'll modify records if a friend who has a cousin who
knows some one that is and ex-policeman is all it will take?  :-)

> If you believe in the
> sacrosanct nature of the archives I would encourage you to start
> planning for distributing them *now*.

Good advice.  But I would thought that you need those servers in other
legal jurisdictions so one judge or magistrate can't issue one notices
to all servers. 

> You may also want to clarify
> that anyone posting here is granting you/us the right to publish as
> it is unclear that you/we do have this right for historical mails.

That is the whole point of this thread.  What ever policy is determined
here will be posted to the website and added to the welcome message
issued by mailman.

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