[Sussex] Next Week's Moot

Steve Dobson steve.dobson at syscall.org.uk
Thu May 22 08:48:10 UTC 2008

Hi Mooters

Where has this month gone????  Moot time is nearly with us once again
but this time it needs some prep.  It's to be a "Question and Answer"
night so I think we may need a question or three.

Now you could just ask your question blind, hoping that the "experts"
have all they need to hand to provide you with the answer you need.  But
some questions are best answered with additional props, some extra
hardware or software that they wouldn't normally bring.

For example someone may what to see how to do a Debian upgrade over the
net.  As I just happen to have a Debian mirror of the i386 & amd64 archs
sitting here beside me I could bring it and some networking gear along
for a demo.  But I'm not going to pull it out of my network unless I
know that it will be needed.

So, put your thinking caps on please and come up with a question or two.

Steve Dobson

panic("Foooooooood fight!");
-- In the kernel source aha1542.c, after detecting a bad segment list

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