[Sussex] Linux woes

Brendan Whelan d740whelan at btinternet.com
Sat May 24 09:02:57 UTC 2008


burn4free allows the burning of ISO images under Windows.  Also, DVD ROM 
drives are quite cheap so it could be worth the investments as it make 
loading quicker and easier.  Brendan

Simon Dawson wrote:
> Are you sure you are creating a bootable disk?
> It is not enough just to burn the ISO file to a CD. Under K3b you have to go 
> to Tools > CD > Burn CD image.  You cannot just create a CD project, drag a 
> file to it and burn.
> It's a long time since I've done it on Windows, but Nero does have a similar 
> feature - I think!!
> Hope that helps.
> Simon
> On Friday 23 May 2008 21:02, davidpipe at tiscali.co.uk wrote:
>> I have been lent a PIII PC for the moment until I can source a graphics
>> card for my other PC.  I have tried installing Mandriva, Ubuntu, DSL,
>> RedHat, PCLinux minime,  all picked as OS's I could download as ISOs and
>> burn to disk.  All of the versions I've downloaded are meant to be bootable
>> and yet none of them have loaded properly.
>> Any suggestions?  I can't use any OS on a DVD as the PC doesn't have a DVD
>> ROM.
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