[Sussex] Licenses

John Patrick nhoj.patrick at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 15:24:39 UTC 2008


This is maybe something that could be chat about at the next Moot.

What licenses do people use?

I've got the following senarios that I'm currently trying to work out
the best license for.

Presentation, say I give a presentation at a LUG would creative
commons be the most appropriate but which bits.
Presentation, my own company give training presentation on something,
so i want my company to be appropriately acknowledged.
Application, open source utility written in Java, i want to it to be
open but i would like acknowledgement of my work.
Application, my own company developer software that customers buy.
Application, my own company developer software that customers license
access too or use of.

I've recently read up more on all the different types but seam to have
gotten more confused than when i started. So was wondering what people
on the list use.


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