[Sussex] Access to past presentations

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
Thu Oct 2 10:49:49 UTC 2008

Quoting Peter Moule <petermoule2 at tiscali.co.uk>:

> Dear Steve,
> I want to study your talk on the Gimp,and David wants to look at some of
> the others.
> When is the site going to be fixed so that we can look at these?
> Regards,Peter(and David)

I can answer that one...

There have been a few issues with the hosting provided by LUG.org.uk.   
Whilst this is being resolved and a new strategy is being worked on,  
none of the previously available dynamic sites will be live.

The issue of "fixing" the site is out of the hands of anyone on this  
list (as far as I am aware) and rests firmly with the guys @  
lug.org.uk who are deciding on the best way forward.

In the mean-time, I suggest a polite email to the people who gave the  
talks requesting the slides/notes where possible might get you the  
data you require.

Kind regards,

Matt (A lurker in Wales...)
Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk

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