No subject

Thu Sep 25 07:53:37 UTC 2008

software is available for common business tasks - one of the most common
arguements I hear is that there is no software for LINUX.  People believe
this because they're not seeing software advertised for LINUX, and to this
day I think one of the biggest hurdles we all have to jump is learning what
piece of software we need to do a certain job.

You could buy a copy of this for your IT director at work - if you think he
won't read it you can also use it as a useful source of well balanced
information with which to argue the case for Open Source.  Most companies
see shifting to a new platform as a risk - what they dont evaluate is the
opportunity-cost of not moving and the risk that their competitors will move
to Open Source and derive benefits that they cannot match - this book sets
out these fundemental elements of business analysis for the suited wonders.

geoff.teale at
geoff at
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