[Sussex] Google Chrome...

Geoffrey Teale tealeg at member.fsf.org
Tue Sep 2 10:21:24 UTC 2008

On 2 Sep 2008, at 12:08, Richie Jarvis wrote:

> Hi All,
> Just discovered Google Chrome - have a read through this (frankly
> excellent) online comic - http://www.google.com/googlebooks/chrome/
> The Linux version is 'coming soon' - but the fact that they have
> released this entire thing as Open Source AND explained the concept to
> the world in an easy to understand way can only be a good thing.
> What's everyone elses take on this development?
My knowledge is roughly similar to yours, received the comic a while  
back - I believe it's someplace public now too.

The multiprocess model looks like a decent design - it should also  
scale to multiple CPUs a bit better than the competition. The UI is  
quirky, but until I've tried it I will refrain from saying it's good  
or bad.   It's open source and it does new things so it has got to be  
a good thing.   Just hope we don't have to wait ages for the Linux  

In other news, did anyone see Stephen Fry's new video on the GNU  
website, celebrating 25 years of the GNU project?


Geoffrey Teale
Software and Technology Consultant, München
tealeg at member.fsf.org

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