[Sussex] pppoa

Jacqui Caren jacqui.caren at ntlworld.com
Mon Apr 6 09:02:27 UTC 2009

Richie Jarvis wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Jacqui Caren wrote:
>> Steve Dobson wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Hi Angus
>>> John Crowhurst wrote:
>>>> On Fri, April 3, 2009 13:25, Angus Robinson wrote:
>>>>> Sorry, at times i do have a problem with what i want to do, in a an
>>>>> email. I am wanting to make the linux box connect to the internet, so
>>>>> the linux box does the authentication and the router would then be in
>>>> You don't want to do that, seriously!
>>> I completely agree - this is WAN technology and best left to the ISP
>>> geeks not the likes of us mortals.
>> I disagree - pretty straighforward stuff and you get an extra IP to
>> play with if you run a block :-)
> I also disagree - many routers will only tie to one IP address, and will
> not allow you to have multiple IP's - by passing off the PPPoA part to a
> Linux box, you can use a cheap single IP router to run an ADSL
> connection with multiple IP's.  Don't ask me how to do it though, I've
> only investigated it from an intellectual standpoint, as my routers
> support multiple IP's.

Ours are supposed to - some were very expensive but they all had config issues
that were a nightmare to sort out.

Moving to a dedicated PPPoe/a bridge "just worked" - and the issues were my fault
(and therefore fixable) not something esoteric in router firmware or documentation.

>> I found that a AMD64 server mobo has clock drift and unless you keep this under
>> control, you end up periodically dropping the DSL lines...
> Is this an AMD chipset on the mobo??

Not sure.

> If so, the fix is to disabled the FSB Spread Spectrum option in the BIOS -
> it played havoc with my MythTV box until I figured this out.
> This is another possible solution to the problem:
> http://www.knoppmythwiki.org/index.php?page=Nforce2TimeDrift

Thanks I will pass this onto the boss - he is the hardware "techno fetishist".
I try to stick to the software/networking side - much simpler :-)


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