[Sussex] Google and GeoIP'ing

Dominic Humphries linux at oneandoneis2.org
Thu Sep 3 16:39:17 UTC 2009

Jon Fautley wrote:
> On Wed, 02 Sep 2009 10:25:50 -0700
> Dominic Humphries <linux at oneandoneis2.org> wrote:
>> It was a frustration when I went around Europe - every time I went to 
>> Google.com, it redirected me so I got Google in German, French,
>> Italian...
> So type in 'google.co.uk' :)
Yeah, but Google was the default front page.. and it's a google.com 
search bar on the browsers in all the hostels. etc. etc.

Mind you, the REALLY annoying one was when I worked for a company that 
did all its web traffic through Switzerland and I needed something from 
Microsoft.com... no matter how I tried, I couldn't get it to give me the 
page in anything but German...

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