[Sussex] new visitor to September Moot

Andrew Guard andrew09 at andrewguard.com
Tue Sep 22 14:55:24 UTC 2009

2009/9/22 Andrew Guard <andrew09 at andrewguard.com>:
> 2009/9/22 d binderman <dcb314 at hotmail.com>:
>> Hello there,
>>> Please add you name below if you think you may attend the moot on
>>> Thu.24-SEP-09.
>>> Gerry Neary
>>> Gavin Stevens
>> David Binderman
>> I've been lurking for months, time to show up I feel.
>> I know where the club is, but what time to start, please ?
>> Linux since 1994, originally Slackware, then a few years with Redhat,
>> now openSuse for the last five or so years.
>> Mainly as a C++ / Java / C developer.
>> Regards
>> David Binderman
> Alright that easy to answer.
> It takes place at
> The Holbrook Club
> North Heath Lane
> Horsham
> West Sussex
> RH12 5PJ
> http://www.theholbrookclub.co.uk/
> http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=The+Holbrook+Club&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=15.268214,38.803711&ie=UTF8&ll=51.082121,-0.317917&spn=0.031651,0.075788&z=14&iwloc=A&cid=7850964227692780866
> There entry fee to non Holbrook members of £2.00. No other costs
> unless buy food/drink there. And that it.

Oups forgot to say.

Get there between 19:00-20:00

It ends when we leave.

When freedom is outlawed only outlaws will have freedom

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