[Sussex] Moot Attendance List May 27

Fay Zee sussex at eglug.org.uk
Mon May 24 23:07:32 UTC 2010

Hi All,

It's nearly the last Thursday again.

Please add your name below if you would like to attend the May moot.

Just a reminder that the Holbrook Club entrance fee is now £3.

We would like to see more people coming along if just for a social
chat with a Linux direction. If anyone has any projects to share, that
would go down well.

BTW, we were successful with shared Internet at the Surrey LUG,
thanks to Alex.

Next moot:
     Thursday 27/05/2010

     The Holbrook Club
     North Heath Lane
     West Sussex
     RH12 5PJ

Talk / Presentation this month:
     Any suggestions / requests?

Confirmed so far:
     Fay Fleming
     Alex Colquhoun

 Best Regards,
East Grinstead Linux User Group

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