[Sussex] Torrent and seed files

Steven Dobson steve at dobbo.org
Wed Apr 6 18:22:03 UTC 2011

Hi Malcolm

On 06/04/11 19:02, Marmaduke wrote:
> Apologies if this is an elementary question. 

We all have to learn.

> I'm intrigued by the Elementary Jupiter release but not clear about how
> to download the ISO file from the website. 
> http://elementaryos.org/
> I'm trying to do this using KDE in Mandriva. I can download a torrent
> seed file into the downloads folder/directory but can't see how to
> download the ISO with it (presumably via the torrent).

You need a bittorrent client.  There are a number around for Linux.
Personally I use Transmission.  Once installed you open the torrent file
with Transmission (or whatever bt-client you're using), tell it where to
put the downloaded data and set it running.

Bittorrent is designed as a peer-2-peer system.  It relies on people
donating bandwidth to allow the data to be downloaded quickly.  You
download from a number of different places at the same time - so will
have the complete data, some will be in the processes of downloading
just like you.

It is therefore polite to share, so once the download is complete leave
Transmission running (it will run in background) at least until you've
uploaded as much as you've downloaded - that way you've given as much as
you've gotten.

> All handholding greatly appreciated.

Hope this has helped.

Steve "Dobbo" Dobson

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