[Sussex] RMS At Sussex Uni

Steven Dobson steve at dobbo.org
Sat Feb 19 01:06:31 UTC 2011

Hi All

A while ago someone (sorry I've forgotten who) posted that RMS is
talking at Sussex University on Tuesday 8th March 2011 @ 7:00 PM.

I've just booked a place for a friend of mine and in doing so I have
found that the subject has been changed.  It is no longer "Richard
Stallman: The danger of software patents" but has changed to "Richard
Stallman: Copyright vs Community in the Age of Computer Networks."

Personally I think that that sounds more interesting.  It certainly
should be more interesting to my friend who is not an IT person.  It may
interest more of you.

Also is it worth posting if your attending.  I would be nice to see some
of my old SLUG friends there and know who to look out for.

Steve "Dobbo" Dobson

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