[Sussex] Label and partition external hard drive

Desmond Armstrong desmond.armstrong at gmail.com
Fri Feb 25 00:07:04 UTC 2011

  On 24/02/11 14:16, Alex Harrington wrote:
>> Sorry, Desmond, I know GUI is "easier" but I want:
> That's all fair enough, but if it were me I'd be using a gparted or
> partedmagic live CD and have the job done in 15 minutes.
> I agree it's good to understand the basics, but gparted will show you
> roughly what it's doing so you'll get the general idea.

To be honest when one has a GUI one can work faster. At the same time 
one does need to aware of what it is doing. Our difficulty is that we 
are constantly learning new procedures, which is good, but one should 
avoid taking too much time to do a once off. There are just too many 
things that we have to do.

As example of a very good tool we have 'seamonkey' now with this one can 
take the easy path or as I do suggest to people use it so that you can 
learn about the html.

In the case of the partitioning I would do the CLI but then use one of 
the GUIs to look at the result. In this way you can do the hard bit and 
just verify using the 'cheat' GUIs.

Good Luck in this endeavor and perhaps a short presentation on it 
explaining the several parts will encourage all of us to be less shy of 
the CLI.

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