[Sussex] Backing up [Was: Moot Attendance List August 30]

Fay Zee sussex at eglug.org.uk
Wed Aug 29 00:53:46 UTC 2012

Hi Peter,

On 28 August 2012 17:18, Peter Humphreys  wrote:
 > If anyone can pass on a few hints and tips on backing up my data I
would be
 > very grateful.

I use rsync very successfully. Run as normal user:

$ rsync -aW --exclude='*~' /home/fay/ /media/backup/fay/

Note: above command is one I use for first-time backup. For subsequent
update backups I use a variant that outputs the changes to a log file:

$ rsync -avi --delete --exclude='*~'
--log-file=/home/backup_log_fay/`date +%Y%m%d`_changes.log
--log-file-format='{%M} %i %n%L' /home/fay/ /media/backup/fay/

Note: I created the backup_log_fay folder in /home and made it
writable by user fay. The command automatically prefixes the log file
name with the current date.

Run man rsync for an explanation of when to use trailing slashes.

I have a whole procedure documented, for both initial and subsequent
backups, which I can show you on Thursday if you decide to go with

 Best Regards,
East Grinstead Linux User Group

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