[Sussex] Dropbox like system

John Crowhurst info at johnscomputersupport.co.uk
Tue Dec 4 22:35:49 UTC 2012


I'm thinking of setting up a Dropbox like system for my backups. I have 
some software that can do synchronisation on Windows and Mac computers 
but have a couple of stumbling blocks that will need to be addressed.

How do I organise the storage? Is there a file system that does account 
based encryption/decryption on the fly? Does it have a facility to show 
how much a user has used or is that managed through quota?

I looked at ecryptfs but that is an encryption layer that encrypts the 
partition by encrypting file contents but that doesn't stop someone who 
has root access from seeing their files.

I hope someone has ideas to point me in the right direction.



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