[Sussex] Last Month's MuseScore Talk and Demo

Fay Zee sussex at eglug.org.uk
Mon Jul 16 17:10:17 UTC 2012

Hi Gavin,

I'm a bit late thanking you for the great talk and demo last month; it
was much appreciated.

I have finally installed MuseScore to have a play.

When I ran apt-get install musescore musescore-common

it gave me Suggested packages:
  fluid-soundfont-gm fluidsynth timidity

An apt-cache search of these came up with some further packages, such
as fluid-soundfont-gm and fluidsynth.

What else around Musescore have you got installed?

I just went with my original apt-get install musescore
musescore-common musescore-soundfont-gm.

I created a simple, 4-bar song. No problem after watching your demo.

I was quite pleased.

However, when I went File > Save, all I got was a large window with
the title "MuseScore: Save score" with nothing but grey emptiness. No
change after several minutes.

I did notice that the first two notes were in red, so looked up the
Help menu. The online help is indeed good, as I found that red
indicates out of range for the specified instrument :-)

Easy to fix, all notes now black, but the save dialog still came up

So I wasn't able to save my little effort :-(

I also couldn't work out how to play the piece back. I must have
missed that part of your talk.

I run a fully updated Debian Squeeze on a quad core amd64 8GB RAM,
desktop tower.

Any ideas?

 Best Regards,
East Grinstead Linux User Group

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