[Sussex] Moot talk

John Playford johnplayford at tiscali.co.uk
Sat Jun 30 11:53:40 UTC 2012

Hi Elio,

Until a few months ago I was using Capella 2002 version - and I had used it 
and previous versions since about 1995.  Firstly installed on Windows 
machines, then for the past few years within a Windows installation on 
Virtualbox in Ubuntu since I had no luck with WINE, and Software Partners said 
that there were no plans to port it to Linux.

Like you, I was interested in finding a native Linux note-processing 
application, and I have tried Lilypond, Berlios, Rosegarden, noteedit (and 
probably others).  With all of these I had various issues ranging from 
interface and sound connectivity problems to general unsuitability with the 
way I like to work.

Then I discovered musescore.  Everything worked straight away, but it is very 
different to Capella.  In Capella I would enter everything very quickly as 
crotchets and then go back through the score using the < and > keys to change 
the note values.  Musescore is like Sibelius (and I believe it can read and 
save in the Sibelius format).

At first everything seemed complicated compared to Capella: anacrusis, 
triplets, and of course it's absolute preservation of the bar integrity 
(Capella doesn't mind if the bars aren't filled correctly, it justs gives you a 
red barline).

Now though, I am convinced that this is the best way to write scores - and I 
can do anything and more than I used to be able to do in Capella (except for 
scanning music - I also used capscan).

After using Capella, musescore will seem very finicky and tricky at first, but 
it is worth persevering with, and the musescore website and the Katie Wardrobe 
video tutorials are superb.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,


> I am interested in the subject. I use Capella. Can any one give me a comment 
/ comparison with Musescore  and or other free software ? 
Thank  you

John Playford ATCL
Brass Tutor
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