[Sussex] Persistent routes

Paul Howard paul at phoward.com
Tue May 15 10:48:45 UTC 2012

> The only thing I can think of is that you are trying to bind static routes
> to interface aliases, and not the actual interface device. Try and change
> your "eth1:0" to "eth1" and see if that works. Normally what I tend to do
> is to call my own script with static routes from rc.local right at the end
> of the boot cycle. Not a really neat solution, but it's a cross-distro
> technique.

Hi Jan,

Thanks but the route works perfectly if I enter it at the CLI. It just wont
load on startup from the interfaces file for some reason. Considered using
a script to add them but it's a bit messy and I need this to be able to be
obvious how things are set up when other people are doing any admin on the

*Paul Howard*

web: phoward.com  / phowardimages.co.uk  |   twitter:
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