[Sussex] PLUG January BaB meeting, Saturday 17th January 2015

Lisi Reisz lisi.reisz at gmail.com
Tue Dec 30 20:38:02 UTC 2014

Anyone from Sussex would again be very welcome.

PLUG January BaB meeting, Saturday 17th January 2015, from 13:00 to 18:00.

We shall have our usual bring a box meeting.  Bring a 'box', bring a notebook, 
bring anything that might run Linux, or just bring yourself and enjoy 
socialising/learning/teaching or simply chilling out!  Bring any Linux or 
Open Source problems, come to have help installing Linux or simply to pick up 
installation media.

We also have a speaker for this meeting, Mike Ray.

Mike has been visually impaired all his life, but is now totally blind.  He 
continues to use and program computers.  He will show us how he writes code, 
how he "reads" things, what he needs to use a computer fully.  He will be 
showing us his equipment, including a braille monitor/keyboard.

Mike's passion is the Raspberry Pi and all her relatives - Banana Pi, Arduino.  
If it is tiny and programmable, then Mike finds it irresistible.

He has a website called Raspberry VI (VI for visually impaired)
which is going from strength to strength.

The Raspberry Pi as originally constituted had inadequate audio for someone 
blind, who relied totally on sound to communicate.  Many would have given up.  
Mike wrote his own code to remedy the problem and can now use his Raspberry 
Pi.  He will be telling us about this.

See you there!


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