[Sussex] Sussex Moots

Paul Willis phwillis at gmail.com
Fri Jul 4 00:17:58 UTC 2014

Knowing Dominic there must have been some materials, but just now I
can't even find my notes, and it was so long ago I can't remember much
detail beyond the tribute to Linus Torvalds who invented it (git) -
and that might have been in an earlier talk..

On 1 July 2014 21:56, Dave Garry <daveg at firsdown.dyndns.org> wrote:
> Nice link Paul.
> Shame I missed that talk - I've been wanting to go to the LUG for some
> time, this would have been very useful, but I was away on a course...
> Were any slides/documents given - are they available for general use ?
> Cheers.
> --
> Dave
> On 01/07/14 13:18, Paul Willis wrote:
>> Yes OpenShift was great, ta Angus. Any more like that?
>> Re Dominic and git "the stupid content tracker" - I understood that
>> part 2 wasn't going to happen since he moved to Reading.  It would be
>> a great subject for someone who does use it regularly. I dipped in
>> after his Dom's introduction and would love a little further guidance
>> - man git is over 1000 lines. That said I did just have another look
>> at "man git" and it does point to:
>> http://git-htmldocs.googlecode.com/git/git.html the fully hyperlinked
>> and formatted  manual which in turn points to the likes of gitutorial,
>> everyday git, the git users manual and gitcli. It all looks really
>> good - if anyone has the time...
>> and thanks Alex for taking over from Gavin
>> Paul
>> On 1 July 2014 12:42, Alex Colquhoun <alex.colquhoun at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I would also like to thank Angus for his talk now my Internet is behaving
>>> properly.
>>> For those who weren't able to attend, Gavin has stood down as Mootmaster.
>>> We
>>> have decided that I should take over.
>>> In this new role I would like to encorage those with talks to come
>>> forward.
>>> I believe Gavin has one or two talks planned, and Dominic has a talk on
>>> Git
>>> planned.
>>> Is there anyone else out there?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex
>>> --
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> --
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> Sussex at mailman.lug.org.uk
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