[Sussex] Yet more errata. Re: Three Meetings in May?? ERRATA Was: Two Meetings in May!! [Was: No May meeting]

Fay Zee sussex at eglug.org.uk
Thu May 8 03:59:16 UTC 2014

Hi Lisi,

Nice to hear from you. I suspect I shall not see you at the Feathers  
in Merstham, Redhill this Saturday?

Unfortunately, Portsmouth is a bit far for all but the ones who live  
in the very South Western corner of West Sussex, although I did drive  
to Southampton University two or three times for the LUG talks.

Please let us know when there will be venues nearer to our border,  
because it's nice to meet up.

Best regards,

On Wednesday 07 May 2014 10:49:29 Lisi Reisz wrote:
> On Wednesday 07 May 2014 00:23:48 Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > For those of you who are real meeting addicts, why not join Portsmouth
> > LUG on the third Saturday of the month?  We'd love to see you.
> To make matters even worse, I copied the wrong email.  I really should have
> gone to bed.  Sorry. :-(

No, I copied the right one.  The reference to Easter in it is wrong.  I am
rushing to pack to go away and didn't have time to be careful. :-(

  Our next meeting will be ***Saturday, 17th May*** from 13:00 -

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