[Sussex] Portsmouth Linux User Group July meeting

Lisi Reisz lisi.reisz at gmail.com
Sun Jul 12 21:31:10 UTC 2015

The next Portsmouth LUG meeting will be at the Broadoaks Sports and Social 
Club on Saturday 18th July from 13:00 to 18:00.

Full venue details here:

I apologise for being late with this.  I was hoping to have news of a 
speaker - even negative news!

Do come.  If you haven't been before, we are a friendly bunch and would love 
to see you.  All are welcome.

It is a bring-a-box meeting, so bring a 'box', bring a notebook, 
bring anything that might run Linux, or just bring yourself and enjoy 
socialising/learning/teaching or simply chilling out!  

As someone said at the last meeting, Bring a Box meetings are interesting even 
without a speaker.  It just gives us longer to solve each others' problems, 
wonder at each others' gadgets, tell each other about the marvels of Linux - 
or the iniquities of you-know-who ;-) -  and in my case have time to give the 
chap to whom I promised it an explanation of the Debian packaging system. Any 
other requests for help, or specific offers? I am probably going to bring an 
intractable problem, for people to see, if not solve.  I rather think that it 
is insoluble.

We may have something special in the way of speakers, but it is not definite 
yet.  The speaker is not a deep dark secret, and I'll tell you about him/her 
anyway later in the week, but I don't want to put pressure on for a decision.  
I may not know until Friday, though I probably shall - so come on the 
off-chance, even if you wouldn't normally come to a meeting without a 

Hope to see you there,

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