[Sussex] Reminder: Portsmouth Linux User Group June meeting

Lisi Reisz lisi.reisz at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 10:48:01 UTC 2015

The next Portsmouth LUG meeting will be at the Broadoaks Sports and Social 
Club on Saturday 20th June from 13:00 to 18:00.

Full venue details here:

As always, you are all cordially invited.  Do come.  If you haven't been 
before, we are a friendly bunch and would love to see you.

It is a bring-a-box meeting, so bring a 'box', bring a notebook, 
bring anything that might run Linux, or just bring yourself and enjoy 
socialising/learning/teaching or simply chilling out!

I will give a short talk on and demonstration of Trinity Desktop Environment 
http://www.portsmouth.lug.org.uk/talks/201506.html .  

I have also promised to try and help someone understand the Debian apt system 
and its repositories, for which there wasn't time last month.  Any other 
requests for help, or specific offers?

Hope to see you there,

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