[Sussex] Portsmouth and South East Hants LUG - April 14th IRL

Paul Tansom paul at aptanet.com
Fri Apr 14 15:21:24 UTC 2023

This month's meet will be at Broad Oak, with the usual IRL start of 1pm, and sandwiches will be available.

(Note to self, for goodness sake hit send you Muppet!).

Aiden will be bringing "the internet" with him as I'm with my dad at the moment and not able to leave him for now.

See you there or, well, erm, not I guess - it is purely voluntary, but we still don't bite and we have no plans to. (I think this still works with me not there!).

Keep safe.

Paul Tansom  |  Aptanet Ltd.  |  https://www.aptanet.com/  |  023 9238 0001
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Parklands Business Park, Forrest Road, Denmead, Waterlooville, Hants, PO7 6XP

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