[Sussex] Portsmouth and South East Hants LUG - July 15th IRL

Paul Tansom paul at aptanet.com
Fri Jul 14 15:15:23 UTC 2023

This month's meet will be at Broad Oak, with the usual IRL start of 1pm, 
and sandwiches will be available.

I'm still hobbling and we are off down a new journey of hospital visits 
and the unknown, but PLUG is still on and I will be there, and this 
notice is still late ;-)

See you there or, well, erm, not I guess - it is purely voluntary, but 
we still don't bite and we have no plans to. (I think this still works 
with me not there!).

Keep safe.


  Paul Tansom  |  Aptanet Ltd.  |  https://www.aptanet.com/  |  023 9238 0001
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Parklands Business Park, Forrest Road, Denmead, Waterlooville, Hants, PO7 6XP

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