[Swindon] Princess Diana Assassination Report - New Shocking Revelations

IPC on Protection of Freedom of Speech texsales at ranmamail.com
Sun Jul 3 01:51:29 BST 2005


A unique confidential 600-page report describing in 
great detail the horrible circumstances and true 
causes of death of Princess Diana. The report  
has been prohibited for distribution in the UK, but 
is available for the first time to the  British 
people from an overseas website.

This report contains truly explosive information, 
and for this reason, its publication has been banned
in the UK by the official authorities, security
services and the Royal Household. Its findings were
so shocking that it was  immediately classified top
secret by MI5 and French Security Service, DST. 
Princess Diana and Dodi Al Fayed were assassinated in 
a joint operation undertaken by the security services 
of several countries.  The true reason is NOT that the
British establishment feared that the official marriage
of Diana and Dodi would deal a blow to the British 
monarchy by virtue of the future British king having
a Muslim stepfather – the actual reasons are much more 
serious, complicated – and sinister.

Over 80 % of the British people (according to a recent 
poll conducted by the Daily Mirror) are still convinced
that the death of Diana and Dodi was no accident – 
so discover the truth!

The report was prepared by a group of investigative 
journalists from Egypt, England and France utilizing 
never-publicized materials of secret investigation 
conducted by the French government and America’s CIA 
into the circumstances of  the death of Princess Diana.  

One of the private detectives who participated in this 
investigation died in a mysterious and highly suspicious 
“bike” accident while he was trying to uncover additional 
evidence. Under similarly suspicious circumstances one of 
the French detectives disappeared as well. These facts alone
demonstrate that the authorities do fear the publication of
these facts, otherwise they would not have gone as far as 
to arrange assassination of these individuals as well as the 
murder of the photographer James Andanson whose badly burned
body was found by the police in the south of France, and who
was present at the scene of the fatal crash which killed 
Diana and Dodi.

We are located outside the United Kingdom and use Internet 
as a medium of distribution, so that we can avoid the official 
ban  imposed on this publication stringently enforced by the 
British authorities.

The price of the 600-page Report is only  18 euros
 (about 11 pounds).
We are not trying to make profit out of it – this amount goes
towards covering our administrative expenses in an effort to
bring the truth to the people of Britain – we hope you 
appreciate it;

We donate 50% of this fee to the Princess Diana Memorial Fund

Please follow the link below to receive further information 
and ordering instructions:


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