[SWLUG] kppp

Bernard paxvobiscum at btinternet.com
Sat Jan 26 12:25:22 UTC 2002

On Tuesday 22 January 2002 3:17 pm, Davage, Marcus wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm running Mandrake 8.1 with an LTmodem with all the correct drivers,
> which run well logged on as root, but not as a non-root account. I've been
> told that I should only run kppp as root, never as a user. Is this true?
> Regards,
> Marcus

Since nobody else is answering I will give you the benefit of my profound 
ignorance. Excuse me if I am teaching my grandmother to suck eggs. As I 
understand things it is more secure to run pppd as root, don't ask me why, 
security issues bore me stiff. I hooked my Mandrake 8.1 off the front of a 
spanish linux magazine and kppp is universally executable on this one. The 
security boys have been spreading fudap ( that's fud and paranoia) for a 
while now  'cos security's the only thing you can really sell in the linux 
market, and its evergreen, you can always threaten another virus just around 
the corner. In fact, unless you're storing the details of your international 
drugs cartel, or are in daily contact with the al-qaeda network, linux of 
itself is probably secure enough for now, and for some time to come. You can 
get kppp to work for a user by altering the permissions on kppp, etc/ppp, 
usr/sbin/pppd (I think, or perm any two from three, or play around 'til it 
works). If you need any more help come back and we'll blow your box up 

Bernard Pack

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